Friday, March 4, 2011

just because...

Well, I'm supposed to be helping Josh write a research paper for his master's class right now, but I'm really not feeling it.  I'm hitting a major brick wall with the writing, and to be honest, I'd much rather be doing this anyways.  I was playing around earlier and wanted to get a few quick shots of Tillman in one of her new cute little outfits.  I also got my haircut today, so now I can show that off too.  :)  There will be many more pictures and posts to come.  We have some special company coming into town this weekend.  Check back in for details on that later...
growing so fast

Mama, get that camera out of my face!

so sweet and innocent... for now :)

my new haircut & Tillman's new outfit

looking at her daddy

Look at my chunky tummy! :)


  1. Precious! That should have said "Just because...she's so stinkin' cute" :) Have a great time this weekend! Take lots of pics! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Oh...and your hair looks fabulous :)
