Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This week...

This week Josh has a grad class everyday from 8:00-4:30. He is taking an elective class at the same time he is in his regular core classes so that he will be on track to graduate in December. Yay! This means that Tillman and I have gotten to spend A LOT of time together. She's been all mine everyday from whenever she wakes up (usually around 8:00) until 5:00 or so when Josh gets home. However, yesterday was tricky because Josh had his elective class from 8:00-4:30 and then his regular Tuesday grad class from 5:00-9:00. So Josh was in class literally ALL day yesterday!! Sadly, he never got to see Tillman either. However, we are planning to go visit him during his lunch break today so he can get a chance to see her.

Tillman and I have been having fun together this week. We have been doing the usual: playing, going for walks, shopping, running errands, playing in her pool, etc. We went to dinner one night with some friends and showed them the house we are in the process of buying. I've also been trying to get the house in order in case the realtor gets a call and somebody wants to come view it while we are out of town. I've been packing suitcases because we are going to D.C./Iron Gate, VA this weekend through next weekend to visit my brother and his girlfriend. We also have plans to go see Josh's sister and my grandpa, Tillman's Great-Grandpa, whom she hasn't met yet. So we are excited to get to spend some time with our family that lives further away.

Here are just a few snapshots of what we've been up to so far this week.
Out and about shopping and running errands

In the pool

Chasing her new bath toys

Yay! Look what I've got!

Wakey wakey

Don't be fooled. She is nowhere near crawling. Again, this was posed.

Playing with the "Charlie blocks." These are blocks that my grandfather made for my cousins and me to play with when we came to visit. What a special gift for Tillman to be able to play with as well.

This is what she spent most of her time doing. I would build something and then she would knock it down and grab all of the pieces I was using.

Picking out a book to read.

I think she's found one.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Funday

Yesterday, on the way home from all our adventures, we heard Tillman making a lot of noise in the backseat. When we turned around to check on her, this is what we found. Her sunshade is supposed to be behind her head, but she moved it in front of her and was kicking it.

The shade should be on the right side of the handle bar. Silly girl.

This picture should be turned, but this is Tillman when I went in to wake her up this morning from a 3 HOUR NAP!! And I had to wake her up!! She must have been tired from not going to bed until 10:20 last night, but she woke up this morning having a full-blown conversation with herself at 6:45.

For lunch today Tillman got to try yogurt for the first time. It was a fruit blend (strawberry) that we got her yesterday. 

Do you think she likes the yogurt??

Yes, ma'am she does!!!

What a ham!

I love yogurt!

I love FOOD!!!

Her new Clemson-colored sippy cup she got yesterday at Target

Tillman taking a bath on her new bath mat.

What a cutie

We need to get her some bath toys now. All she has is 2 rubber duckies and the cup I use to rinse her with.

She loves the water and taking a bath. :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Fun

Josh, Tillman, and I headed to Greenville once again (I think this was the third time in four days) to go to the mall and stroll around. We also went to some other stores along the way. When we got to the mall we had a late lunch in the food court at Chic-Fil-A. Then we walked the mall looking at grills, deck furniture, appliances, and other pieces of furniture, daydreaming about everything we would like to see happen with our new house. We realize these things will have to come as we can afford them and as they are needed, but it doesn't hurt to look and dream.
our sweet pea

entertaining herself while we ate lunch

she loves tearing napkins apart

she's so proud of herself

After the mall, Josh surprised me with a nice dessert treat at Yogurt Mountain. We'd never been before, but had heard really good things about this soft serve yogurt place. It's self-serve and you pay according to the weight of what you make in your cup. They have an entire wall of different soft serve yogurts to fill in your cup with an even bigger bar of candies, goodies, and toppings to add. It was really neat and quite overwhelming with all the choices there are. I would definitely recommend Yogurt Mountain and would go back again soon!

Josh enjoying his treat

cheesecake, cake batter, and cookies n' cream yogurt with pecans, blackberries, and Captain Crunch toppings

Tillman waiting to sample our yogurt

cookies n' cream, peanut butter, and triple chocolate yogurt with m&ms, choc. chips, reese's pieces, and Andes mints toppings

After watching us eat our dessert, Tillman is excited b/c now it is time for her to eat.

in Target getting spoiled with some new clothes, sippy cups, bibs, and a bath mat

she LOVES sitting on Josh's shoulders!! and pulling his hair :)

Now Tillman is fast asleep.  We hope to make it out to Liberty Idol later tonight and try out her new bath mat.  More pictures and posts to come...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Just Having Fun

having a tea party

of course she goes after the chocolate piece, my favorite

she likes them all

getting excited about lunch time

she loves to eat!!

exploring with a spoon

her fancy trimmins sippy cup

what a big girl

waking up from a nap

always wakes up happy

riding in a buggy at Sam's

such a big girl

discovering some plastic kitchen gadgets

she wouldn't put the spoon down

literally, held it the whole time

new pajamas, without feet because she's so long

love her!