Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm a big girl now!

Since we started feeding Tillman solid foods we have been trying to get by with using a bumbo or bouncy seat to feed her in rather than a highchair.  Well, she squirmed, turned, and thrusted back in the bumbo, making an absolute mess, and she kicked like crazy in her bouncy seat, which made it more like play time than eating time.  So, we broke down and got a highchair ASAP!  We've only used it once, last night, but it truly made a world of a difference.  It's adjustable with mutiple settings and can be turned into a booster seat later when needed, so I'm hoping this was a good investment that we will get our money's worth out of.  We've also introduced Tillman to carrots and peas since the last blog about food and eating.  So far she has liked, or at least eaten, all of what we have introduced her to.  Dinner time is a very fun time now :)

excited about peas!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Today has been a wonderful day. Tillman slept until 8:00 this morning! We all got up, ate breakfast, and got ready for church at Liberty First Baptist. They were performing an Easter play written and produced by a dear friend of ours, Roy Costner. The play and service was great and I'm so glad we went. After church we went over to the Costner's for Sunday lunch, which entails a huge spread of food: ham, potatoes, salad, macaroni, corn on the cob, bread, green beans, and much more. Not to mention, the chocolate cake for dessert :) After eating we hung out with our upstate family for a while before heading back home to get ready for the week ahead. Today has been a great way to bring Spring Break to an end and I'm so sad to see it go. Tillman got to try carrots today, which she seemed to like. Josh is cutting the grass, and then we are headed out for a walk before Tillman's bedtime. Here are a few Easter shots of our little girl.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Break 2011

For Spring Break this year Josh, Tillman, and I traveled home to Summerville to spend time with our families, as usual.  We had a wonderful week full of good food and visiting friends and family, and we still didn't get to see everyone or do everything we had hoped to.  Time always flies when you're having fun and temporarily escaping reality.  The post is picture-heavy.  Hope you enjoy.  We sure did! :)

We are working on sitting up unassisted

She does pretty well when she is leaning straight forward

dressed and ready to go visit for the day (thanks for the outfit, Bonnie)

Great-Grandma Gray

playing with the letter "E"

Doing much better with the rice cereal and other solids now. We thickened it up some to help.

Do you think she likes it?

Tummy time


Jumping at Nanny's

Her new trick - sticking out her tongue (thanks, g-ma & g-pa)

She loves to talk!

Grandma & Grandpa

just love this outifit!

green beans

Look how big she is!  Tired from a long day.

Reading a bedtime story with Grandpa

Out for one of our many walks in the new Jeep stroller

Joe Joe


Kisses from Nanny (picture taken from Josh's phone)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Always an Adventure

So I called the pediatrician this week after speaking with several friends and reading some baby materials on starting your baby on solids.  Tillman is 5 months old and has had nothing but breastmilk.  The pediatrician said we could go ahead and start her on solids, starting with rice cereal and moving to vegetables and then fruits.  So Josh and I went to our brand new Wal-Mart :) (where Ric Flair just happened to be there) and bought some rice cereal, green beans, and a special new bib just for fun.  I was so excited and anxious to try this new feeding adventure; so of course, I had the camera ready to go.  Well, all did not go as well as expected.  I think the consistency was a little too runny, and sweet little Tillman didn't know what to do with the cereal or herself.  We spent about 10-15 minutes on trying to get her to swallow the cereal and keep it in her mouth.  However, to no avail, I don't think she swallowed the first ounce of cereal.  She kept pushing it out of her mouth and letting it run down her face.  She was also quite interested in the spoon and bowl, and helping me feed her.  I gave her her own spoon to hold so she could feel like she was helping.  Cute, but not what I had hoped for.  I had envisioned this perfect little feeding experiment where she ate up all the cereal and wanted more.  So after the adventure, we just went back to the bottle for dinner.  Don't worry, we will be trying again and helping her get the hang of it.  We've got all week since we are off for Spring Break! :)  Baby steps.

She has her own spoon to hold/play with


Monday, April 11, 2011

5 months

Tillman turned 5 months old today! Here are the infamous monthly pics: