Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

I'm sad to say the weekend is coming to an end. That means it's time to face reality and snap back into the real world, and I am sooo not ready for this work week. We had a wonderful weekend that was go, go, go.

Friday night Josh, Tillman, and I met up with some friends and went to Greenville so Josh and Tyler could register for the Reedy River Run. Josh also picked up Dad's race packet as a nice surprise for him when he and Mom got into town. After signing up for the race, we ate dinner downtown and headed home. Mom and Dad got to the house around 9:30 and we talked, showed them the new set up of some of the rooms, ate some homemade cookies, (of course) and hung out until bedtime.

ready to head downtown

Saturday morning Josh and Dad ran the Reedy River Run downtown Greenville; Josh ran the 5K and Dad ran the 10K. They both did well, and that was Josh's first time running since last year's Reedy River.


While the boys were out running, Mom, Tillman, and I played hard at home, ate a yummy homemade sausage biscuit breakfast, and got showered and ready to shop some. When the boys got home, we came up with a game plan for the remainder of the day.  The girls went shopping around Easley for a while so the boys could get showers and rest some. Then we ate lunch and Tillman took a nap. (Some other people took a nap too, but they will remain nameless.)   :)  When everybody woke up from their naps and got ready, we went back to Greenville and shopped at Mast General Store and all throughout downtown. We walked to Falls Park and along the bridge. It was so enjoyable! After downtown, we went and had dinner at Kyoto Express (after trying P.F. Chang's & Longhorn Steakhouse - both of which had over an hour's wait).  After dinner we went to Barnes & Noble and then to Yogurt Mountain for dessert. I love Yogurt Mtn.! Needless to say, once we got home, Tillman went straight to bed and the rest of us hungout for while until we all decided to go read some of our new material from B&N.

family outing

This is what Greenville will do to you.  ;)

just kicking back & relaxing

no need for shoes or socks...built in foot rest

loves of my life

Falls Park - forceful and brown - We've had a lot of rain lately.

 "Hey, let's take a picture."
 "Haha. Ok, now let's take another one for real."

This is what I get:   Never.a.dull.moment.

Yogurt Mountain - yum!

Dad teaching Tillman a new trick - how to blink on command

This was hilarious and truly priceless. We made a scene laughing so loud in the store. Tillman is a mess. She and Dad were blinking again this afternoon, and even since they've left, she's still be blinking at me throughout the day.

Sunday morning we made cinnamon rolls, Dad went for a run, and then we went to church. After church, we came home and I made sliders & tater tots for lunch. I had never made sliders before, but found the buns for them at the store and decided I had to try them. McKinley also came over to join us for lunch and hang out. I can't decide if she came over b/c Mom & Dad were here, there were home made cookies, to see Tillman, or maybe acutally to see me.  :) Anyways, the sliders turned out well. We played a little, Tillman went down for a nap, and we relaxed some until she woke up again. Then we had to say farewell to Mom and Dad.

Tillman in her new Learning Tower (a safe & adjustable way for kids to be counter height w/out sitting on the counter or risking falling off a chair or stool)

Reading her new book that Grandpa insisted on getting her from B&N last night - It's a children's book about Jesus's love with scripture quotes and a pull out picture on each page. Mom and I were reading it earlier in the day and we both promise that Tillman said, "Jesus" twice while reading the book. So sweet to hear.

another view/angle of the Learnig Tower. I'm very excited about this new investment!!

It was a great weekend, and now, as usual, I am in denial about going back to start a new work week tomorrow. I'm sure it will be good.

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