Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Cup Runneth Over!

I cannot express to you how thrilled I am to have my baby back! (My 16 month old baby, that is) That sweet, funny, mischievious,  smart, loving, pleasure-to-be-with child of mine is back! The last few weeks have not been hellacious, but they have been frustrating and I was starting to question my parenting skills. However, it just seems that those darn molars + other teeth all coming in at one time were just causing Tillman extreme discomfort that caused her demeanor to change from the norm.

Other things I am loving in this moment inlcude:  my husband, Jesus and the blessings of BCBC, the weather, our amazing house/land, thoughts of the future, blueberry frog being 5 miles away, The Hunger Games series, taking Friday off from work, and going home this weekend for Ana's baby shower.

Here is the love of my life, and the star of the show:

sitting with her legs crossed like a little lady

eating breakfast before church - look how tight those curls get

still loving the learning tower! wish we could travel with it too.

Cheese!  - She was actually saying, "Cheese!" as I took the picture. First time.

Daddy's future ball player

Enjoying the weather and the time together.

She thinks she's big stuff.

She loves this 4-wheeler!!

She finally figured out how to use it the right way.  She used to just push it around. Now she understands how to ride on it and push the "go" button.

Driving into the walkway.

We need to work on her form a little bit.

She's so smart.

off-roading - it works on the rough terrain too.

This is what happens when Tillman gets excited about bubbles.

What a great Sunday it has been! Have a great week, everybody!

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