Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nothing Much

We've been up to plenty lately, but I haven't thought to capture every moment on film to share with you.  I've been trying a few new Pinterest recipes here and there.  The week-old leftovers from one meal actually gave Josh food poisoning and he stayed out of work for two days.  (I didn't happen to take a picture of that meal.) We liked it the first night, and Josh had it as leftovers another time before - it made a ton! - but the 3rd go 'round was just pushing it.  It was the most pitiful I've seen him in quite some time.  Luckily, he is back to his usual perky, pesky self, and is even planning on running the Reedy River 5K this weekend. 
Tillman is up to no good, as always.  She is really into flip/flap books now, asking for the same books to be read over and over again.  She loves playing outside, is picking up on more words, and is so stinking smart.  She really understands a lot more than we give her credit for.  Some of her words are: dog, arf, moo, shhh, shoe, tip toe, sock, owl, ... She is also teething and gaining new teeth at a rapid pace!  She has her 4 molars and has gone through all of her "just in case" clothes at Ms. Robin's house - 3 outfits!  We will be sending some reinforcements in with Josh tomorrow. 

Ok, pictures:
crock pot sesame chicken

spinach lasgna rolls


after - Cat in the Hat treats for Dr. Seuss's birthday - I made these for my class - pinterest inspired

at the alumni basketball game

our little tiger

hanging out with Nolan and his pom pom

I'm loving that Josh is in charge of both kids while the rest of sit back and enjoy the show :)

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