Friday, January 25, 2013

Ice Day

This week has been so out of the ordinary for me and my schedule, it's a little uncanny. My usual Monday-Friday set schedule got completely thrown out the window.

Monday - No school / MLK, Jr. Holiday
Tuesday - TE21 Benchmark Test Science (throws off my entire schedule)
Wednesday - TE21 Benchmark Test Math (throws off my entire schedule)
Thursday - out for a workshop - lasts a half day - home to clean & be productive by myself (never get a chance to do that!!!)
Friday - back to work, only to be dismissed at 10:00 due to unsafe, icy road conditions & forced to leave by my boss ASAP to be safe

I feel like I barely got anything accomplished this week (work-wise) and it's been driving me nuts. I mean, I woke up with a fever blister this morning. That means I've been stressing.
Well, I packed my bags when my boss made her announcement, and I was able to complete 4 hours worth of school work once I got home. Whew! It sounds awful, but it was quite therapeutic. I got a lot accomplished, I'm ready to tackle this coming week at work, and better yet, I'm ready to enjoy my weekend!! (By the way, it was also nice that Tillman took a 3 & 1/2 hour nap and Josh really likes video games, so I didn't feel guilty dedicating that much time all at once to my job.)

Here are a few pictures to summarize our "Ice Day" once T got up from her nap and I put all my school work away...
It's white, but it's all ice.  (front yard)

When I showed Tillman outside she said, "I need some shoes. Play at my park."
My response: "Um, no, child. It's freezing outside and that's ice. Let's close the door."

Hanging out in our pjs and enjoying some down time on this icy day.

Playing with Toy Story toys

Tillman took this picture of Josh, but I shared it b/c I really like his new shirt.
He got it off - It says "Born & Raised" printed on the outline of the state of SC.

More toys and playtime

I love this little alcove for her to play in. 

T watching Dora while I made dinner. (spaghetti)
Josh was upstairs prepping T's room to be painted. (yay!)

T had to go get HER hammer so she could be like Daddy.

And, Daddy let her bang on the wall (gently) with it. She thought that was pretty neat.
No paint tonight, but the room is prepped and ready. I'm guessing (hoping) paint will go on tomorrow... along with getting out of the house.

Cute story:  While Josh was prepping the room/walls, it was killing T not to be able to help out and get involved. So we somehow ended up playing with some extra painter's tape. She made a lovely tape picture on the wall (should have taken a picture.)
Then, for some odd reason, T wanted tape on her knees...???  So, I had the ingenious idea to put tape on her (follow me here...) Head - Shoulders - Knees - & Toes (knees & toes). 

All taped up and ready to sing and hand motion to "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

Here's a better view. Silly, but so much fun and super cute!!

Hopefully the next time I post pictures of a white-covered yard it will be due to snow, not ice. 

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