Thursday, May 2, 2013

1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

The title of this post seems to be our lives somewhat lately. We've had a lot of kinks and unexpected "problems" to solve (problems said loosely) since bringing home our newest addition. Between the epidural blood patch, overactive letdown, 6 fever blisters, irregular 2 hour crying sessions, toddler with a cold/sinus gunk, bleeding issues, a sty on my eye, me being an emotional roller coaster when Mom left, etc. (I'm just complaining & whining now) we've had to remind ourselves to stay positive, stay focused on what's important, and remember that this, too, shall pass.

I can honestly say Josh and I were not cut out for newbornhood. Don't get me wrong, we love our children unconditionally, but neither one of us is really gushy over life with a newborn. Josh likes to romp and wrestle (That's where Tillman comes in) and my personality flaws don't allow me to always stop and enjoy this time/age because I feel like every issue/concern should have a textbook answer and should be a quick fix that allows me to stay in control. I'm not good at being patient to work to figure out the best answer. I just want it right here and now so I can happily move on.

All in all things really are starting to come together for all 4 of us. We're still working to figure it all out and figure out Carter's personality along the way. Many people comment that she looks more like me than she does Josh, (Gasp!) but we'll see as she grows and changes along the way.

Here are some pictures from the past week. Some are when Mom was still here and some are since she has gone back home to Summerville. Dad came this past weekend and took her home with him Sunday afternoon. Sad day. We are forever grateful for everything she did while here! I jokingly say (but truly mean it) that the biggest thing she did for me while she was here was to keep me from getting postpartum depression.

Ok, no pictures today, folks. I've tried about 10 times to get them to upload with no success. I will keep trying, but for now, it's just words. 

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