Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tillman's Monster Bash

This Sunday our baby girl turned 2!! Some days it's hard to believe she's been blessing our lives for 2 years, and other days it seems just about right...

We had a blast this weekend celebrating Tillman and all the joy she brings to our lives. We are also all exhausted beyond belief at this very moment. Tillman's party was Sunday afternoon. Mom and Dad came into town Friday to spend the weekend and help prepare for the party. Luckily for me, they were also able to stay until Monday to help clean up, which really means, to put my mind at ease and reduce my stress level. I had a lot of fun planning and hosting this party, but I was, and still am, fighting a pretty bad sinus infection.

The party was so much fun. Thank you to everyone who helped prepare and set up, came to support and celebrate, and sent cards and birthday wishes to show love to our baby girl. We love and appreciate you all!

(Warning: Picture overload is about to ensue...Pictures are not necessarily in order. And, yes, this is just a snapshot of our weekend. There are plenty more pictures to share if you need to get a better idea.)
Saturday morning birthday breakfast (Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays.)

By Tillman's request, of course.

Dad was in charge of watching T Saturday so Josh could do yardwork & Mom and I could run errands. They were playing outside for at least 2 hours straight. Good for the soul.

Saturday night cuddle session on the couch.

Good morning, birthday girl!! Sunday morning before church.

This was the best we could get. And, yes, she is eating a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast. She only turns 2 once.
Pin the Eye on the Monster, pre-party.

photo banner and pom poms
homemade eyeball wreath
A quick shot before all the food was even presented. This doesn't do it a bit of justice.
T playing Pin the Eye on the Monster


The aftermath of the Pin the Eye on the Monster. We had 3 winners: Karson, Madi, & Rebekah.
The cake!!! Made with love by McKinley! It turned out awesome!!

Our front door - what guests saw as they drove up to our house.
Getting the deck ready

Photo Op table


Dustin & Andrea - I love this one.

Nolan & Tillman trying it out

The birthday cake!!

Her reaction when everyone started singing to her

She loved the cake!
Each kid got to make their own monster goody bag. They turned out cute!
One of the only family shots we got.

Pretending to be shy
The backyard pre-party time.
The jump castle was a big hit.

This was too cute not to share. She loved it.

Making goody bags.
Kamden & T blowing bubbles
The after party - party ... opening presents. We were all so busy and having so much fun that we literally ran out of time to open gifts. Don't worry, she loved them all and keeps reminding us that they are hers...."My presents"
Opening a gift from KC & Joe Joe

She loves it

She put everything but the kitchen sink in her new stroller

Scaring Daddy in her new monster/dinosaur towel

Coloring on her new desk/easel - Notice the monster pajamas to match the theme of the party. Clever, Mom. :)

A new highchair and changing table that also go with the new stroller. I can't wait to see how long it takes before she wants to put her new little brother/sister in one of these.
I'm exhausted. Happy birthday, Tillman!!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute party. Love the monster theme. Happy Birthday Tillman!
