Saturday, February 16, 2013

Two Week Deadline

Ok, I've made it just in time to post before another two weeks has passed us by.  I've been so disappointed in myself that I have not made them time to post more frequently, especially with everything going on lately.  But then again, maybe everything going on is somewhat what keeps me from sitting down or having the time to blog. Probably not, I'm just full of excuses.

Anyways, we've been up to a lot lately and I have not taken a single picture with a camera. It's all borrowed from friends or taken with my phone because it's more convenient. Instead of a narrative, I'll just recap with pictures. I'm sure they will be out of order, but you'll get the idea of what life's been like for us. (Oh, minus the emotional roller coaster of ups and downs I've been having and Josh has been having to live with. We'll leave that for another day.)

Tillman had a sick day two weeks ago. Josh actually had to take the day off work and stay home with her to play Mr. Mom/nurse. He did a great job and she bounced back quickly. 
This (snuggling, laying in my lap) never happens. A clear sign she wasn't feeling well. She's always up and running.

Last weekend we had some good friends come into town to visit for the weekend and go with us to Switch-a-roos, a huge baby/kid consignment sale in Greenville. We were all very productive with our purchases and are looking forward to another sale in 6 months.  Here are Jade and Ansley at the event.

Tillman and Ansley playing in the playroom. Tillman had a good time being the "big kid."

Photo fail #1.

Photo fail #2.
We just need to photo shop the two pictures together to get a decent one.

Playing before church Sunday morning.

Tillman giving Ansley and huge good-bye kiss. She really enjoyed having "Baby Ansley" up for the weekend.

Making sure Ansley got her paci back. I think she's ready to be a big sister. 

Tillman super excited with her Valentine's Day package from KC and Joe Joe. She's been wearing the pajamas in previous pictures, so these must be out of order. 

Only a portion of what it's like on Valentine's Day as a teacher. I really appreciate the parent that sent a Chick-Fil-A giftcard instead of a generic box of chocolates. 

My Valentine's Day surprise from Tillman. She made this at Mrs. Robin's house and I love it!!! 

Another surprise, from Josh. We don't buy gifts for each other at any holiday, so I really wasn't expecting anything. I think my hormonal mess of emotions made him think a little treat would be nice and keep me happy. He was right. I absolutely love this bracelet!! It was accompanied by the sweetest video message on my phone to explain its significance. Tears. 

Part 2 of Josh's surprise. He spoils me so. And all he got was a card and a basket case of a wife. 

Some super cute new shoes T got with a gift card from Christmas.

Carter's closet is starting to fill out. With some generous gifts from some special people in our lives we've been able to buy Carter some new necessities and a few "wants" along the way. We stocked up at Switch-a-roos and Ana brought up a huge tub of Ansley's clothes for me to go through and claim. Some of it is Tillman's, but I'm really afraid the seasons will be too far off for me to use too much of T's baby stuff. 

We didn't have school/work yesterday due to an inclement weather make-up day, so we headed to IKEA for the day. We were on a mission for a few specific things and came back with more than was on the list, as usual. 
Yes, Tillman has two different pairs of socks on her hands. Hey, whatever keeps you entertained, right?

And even more creatively, she's turned her boots into a microphone. Yes, she claims it's a microphone, and yes, she did sing in it and yell into it all the way down the road. 

New lamp shade in Tillman's room

New lamp for Carter's room

New chair for Tillman's room (#1 priority for IKEA trip) which has allowed us to move the glider into Carter's room, which was our original intention when we found out we were pregnant. 
(Thank you to a very special family member for your generous gift that helped us purchase this new chair! We love it!!) 

We got this popsicle maker at IKEA, so of course we had to try it out. Notice Tillman is eating a store bought popsicle and not one from the tray. Popsicle recipe #1 - fail. I need to do some research to find a better recipe to use. 

We went to a friend's birthday party at a jump/bounce house today and Tillman had a blast!! She ended up with a bloody/swollen lip early on, but that didn't stop her from going. She ran from one jump castle to the next and loved every minute of it. So, naturally, when we got home and she got up from her nap, what did she want to do? Yes, set up her very own jump house in our playroom. We've been borrowing this from a friend for a while and we've finally put it to use. It's still up now. Somebody had a major meltdown when it was time to do to bed. I guess we have our plans for tomorrow afternoon set up for us. 

Her hair. 

She loved it! She was squealing, jumping, dumping toys in it, and just going plain nuts. 

This is what Carter's room looks like right this second. Chaos. 
We've got a little over 7 weeks to get it together. The last piece of furniture will arrive in two weeks, so after that comes we will have a better feel for everything. Until then, let's just keep the door shut. :) 

Other events on the list of life (that I remember):
Dinner with a friend at Blue Voodoo - amazing!!
Dinner with a friend at Groucho's, one of my new favorites
Wednesday night bible study - something I look forward to every week - fills a need and reminds me I'm not alone in this emotional mess of being a woman
Josh - basketball,  playoffs start this week
It snowed again today :) - It's gone now, but was fun to play in for a little while

TILLMAN IS ON DAY 9 OF NO DIAPERS!!! Yes, you read that correctly. We've been kicking this whole potty training thing into gear. I must give Josh the credit for this one because he's the one who got us going, and buddy we haven't looked back. Tillman has been doing a great job and we are so happy/impressed with her progress!! Yes, there have been a few accidents along the way, but overall, she's done very well.  She's waking up from a few naps and overnights completely dry and is getting better about voicing to us when she needs to go. We've been asking her and sitting her down every 30-40 min. even if she doesn't request it. We made it all the way to IKEA and back with outlet stops, dinner, and other shopping with no accidents. We did take the potty with us in the car, and at one pit stop a police officer even pulled over to check on us. It scared the dickens out of me, but once he realized what we were doing, he kindly turned off his lights and kept going. 

If you're still reading this, you're a trooper. Thanks for taking interest in it all. 

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