Sunday, November 18, 2012

On the Mend

Well, it seems that I am on my way to recovery from this nasty sinus infection. The doctor never did have me come in to get antibiotics or any prescription meds, so I have been trying about 6-8 different over-the-counter remedies for the past few days (that are all pregnancy-safe).

I have been taking cough meds, a nasal decongestant, tylenol (for the sinus pressure), Afrin nose spray, cough drops, my daily allergy nasal spray, ... and most recently I have added using a humidifier and a Neti Pot at nighttime. I honestly think the last two remedies on this list have been the ones to make the most difference for me. I have never used a Neti Pot before, but am now a huge advocate of them. If used correctly, they can do wonders for your nasal/sinus canal!

I'm getting my energy back and getting super excited about our upcoming Thanksgiving plans. Josh, Tillman, and I are going to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. No, we don't have any family in Atlanta, but things are a little bit different in our lives for several reasons this year.

Anyways, we are going to Atlanta Wednesday and making several shopping pit stops along the way. We are planning to hit some outlets, a mall or two, and maybe even IKEA, depending on time, energy, and T. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we are going to the Atlanta Aquarium. (Yep, it's open 365 days of the year.) Tillman has been to the Charleston Aquarium, but we are very excited/anxious to see her reaction to something on a much larger scale. Friday we are going to the Atlanta Zoo. Again, T has been to the Greenville Zoo, but that isn't saying much.

We are hoping this trip goes according to plan and we will miss all the big crowds at both the aquarium and the zoo. I mean, people will be spending Thanksgiving with their families, right?? Not out galavanting around Atlanta going to the zoo and the aquarium. Well, we hope it goes smoothly either way... I'll be sure to let you know in a post soon.  :)

Speaking of posts, Josh and I go to our OB doctor Tuesday (yes, in 2 days) to confirm and find out the gender of Baby Christopher #2!! We are very excited about this appointment and will be sure to share our results and news with you just as soon as we find out. So, check back in soon to see if Tillman will be having a little brother or sister added to our family in April!

my good friend, the neti pot

a tell tale sign i have my energy back - the first batch of puppy chow for the season for no reason at all - yum!

saturday morning pirate eye patch, what else?

yes, she threw that at me - still loving the monster pajamas (they glow in the dark!!)

mommy's earrings - too cute - they are draped over her ears - she thought she was big time

i love this little girl - watching toy story for the first time

and this is how we went to bed tonight - yes, with the finger puppet and sunglasses in the bed
plain rotten.

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