Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Our Trip (Part 3) The Final Saga

     Friday through Sunday we all spent the weekend in Iron Gate, VA at my grandpa Adkins' house.  Josh, Tillman, and I arrived around 3:00 and Tony, Danica, and Chiefa arrived around 6:30. We all ate a nice dinner somewhat together. (Tillman was napping and Chiefa had to be watched closely.) Grandpa fixed the dinner that consisted of baked ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, and cucumbers that Danica picked up at the farmer's market. We ate dinner and hung out on the porch (mt favorite part of Grandpa's house.) I love swinging on the porch and people-watching while hanging out and talking with family.

Great-Grandpa Adkins holding Tillman for the first time. She was a lot heavier than he expected so he had to sit down with her. She's being quite the silly girl in this picture. I love this one.

Grandpa and Tillman cuddling on the porch. We spent A LOT of time outside on the porch this weekend. It was actually pretty nice out. It rained Friday night, which cooled things off a bit.

Tillman napping during dinner. She's half on, half off her blanket bed. I guess she was tired enough not to care. How cute.

     Saturday we played in the morning and, of course, hung out on the porch.  We also went on a walk. Tony and Grandpa worked on filling some bird feeders and fixing one that had fallen from a tree. Uncle Ronnie and Dakota (my cousin) came to visit for a few hours and meet Tillman and Chiefa. We hung out and talked for a bit. After they left, Tony and Josh ran some quick errands to Wal-Mart and Kroger while Danica, Chiefa, Tillman, and I went on another walk around town.  We had spaghetti and salad for dinner, had some more porch time, and then we went to the DY store for some ice cream. I also made sure to catch at least one lightning bug while I was there.

Tillman playing with Grandpa's shoe laces. She must really like shoe laces.

Still at it.

Tiger and Tillman dancing and being silly. He better not teach her any bad habits.

Cheifa taking a nap. We wore her out all week.

How sweet.

Tillman playing in Grandpa's curtains.

Tony and Grandpa working on the bird feeders.

Hanging the repaired feeder.

Tillman taking a nap. We decided to use some pillows to baracade her in so she wouldn't be half and half like she was earlier.

Porch time - Chiefa, Danica, Tony, and Grandpa

Grandpa feeding Chiefa a treat. I think he enjoyed that and it was fun for him.

Tillman having fun with her Great-Grandpa.

Tillman being silly and making faces while sitting on the porch swing.

We woke up Sunday morning and had breakfast while Danica went for a 5 mile run at Alleghany High School. We played, got showers, and worked on gathering all of our belongings. Between all of Tillman's things and Chiefa's things we kept joking throughout the weekend that we came in and took over Grandpa's house. Sunday we told him as we were packing that we were letting him have his house back. I'm sure he didn't mind the mess though. It was such a great weekend to all spend together.

Grandpa, Tillman, and me Sunday morning.

I got to rock Tillman to sleep on Grandpa's porch swing. It was actually a really sweet thing because I never rock her to sleep or hold her while she's sleeping, so I really enjoyed this. Too bad after a while she got really heavy and started hurting my back so I had to take her inside and lay her down on the couch.

Tony, Grandpa, Danica

Tony, Grandpa, me

Josh, Tillman, Grandpa, me

We packed up our vehicles and parted ways around 11:00 on Sunday. We all had a long car drive ahead of us and needed to get on the road. Josh, Tillman, and I were supposed to meet my Uncle Ronnie in Roanoke at The New Yorker (a yummy sandwich shop that is a tradition in our family) for lunch, but they were closed for vacation. (July 4th week) We will just have to try again the next time. ** I also have some pictures of Ronnie with Tillman, but can't find them for some reason. I will absolutely post them whenever I get my hands on them.

Overall, Josh, Tillman, and I had a WONDERFUL trip and week spent with family! That is one of the perks of us both being teachers: having the time off to be able to travel and see family. We are blessed!

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