Monday, May 13, 2013

One Month (late)

Carter came into our lives and blessed and completed our family of four one month ago. (Well, one month and 4 days to be exact) I tried to take some "one month" pictures, but I waited too late into her waketime before trying. So it truly is my fault that A) there are only 2 pictures and B) they aren't that great. Carter is great, but I will definitely re-strategize when the 2 month pictures roll around.

Things are starting to settle down here and we are getting into a good groove. Josh and Tillman are still on their regular schedule of going to work and to Robin's house. Carter and I have been blessed to be surrounded and supported by amazing friends that have come to visit and met us out for lunch several times. I have also enjoyed the down time with just the two of us, trying my hardest to figure out all her little quirks.

At her one month check-up she did great and is healthy as can be. She shot up in all 3 of her growth percentages. Her length is in the 99% (22 3/4"), her weight (10 lbs 12 oz) is in the 87%, and her head measures in the 95%.

Not quite so sure about this forced photo shoot thing.

Ok, she definitely doesn't like it.

Tummy Time - the little booger is strong

I love my family!

Big sister lovin'

Bath time - she looks so round and chubby here. I love it!

Snuggling up on a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon with my girls. I see a lot of this in our future. :) 

Play mat time - She's following objects as they move in front of her, but she still loves to look at fans, lights, and blinds.

Nap time on the couch. She gets one of these a day. 

Yawn! We still love the tiger bib.

Trying for another one month shot. She hates when I put the headband/bow on her. Like immediately starts fussing. We'll see what we can get for 2 months.

Spending time hanging out in the bouncy seat. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week 3 Pictures

Here are the week 3 pictures as promised. My computer decided to work today. Win! :)

Yes, this is how we took Carter on a walk last week. We couldn't figure out how to open her snap n' go stroller. 

We're pretty good problem-solvers. 

Post-walk reading & sunbathing.

My family, with baby doll included.

"I'm the little sister."

"I'm the big sister."


She looks like such a chunk in this picture.

Lunch at Groucho's Deli. Typical Josh.

T trying Big Dep's root beer. She wasn't supposed to like it, but she did. We had to cut her off.

Hmm... let me sleep on it & get back to you.

The one & only time she'll wear this newborn outfit. The elastic in the legs was digging in when I took them off her at night.

Tillman got some new vintage (Is that an oxymoron?) "doctor toys" in the mail from Josh this past week & boy have they been a huge hit!! Since we spent several days in the hospital and talking about doctors, Tillman kind of took to the conversation and needed some extra attention, claiming to be sick and needing to go to the doctor. So, we brought the doctor to our house with some really neat gadgets for her to play with. 

Cheese! Yes, that would be a blood pressure cuff on each arm, along with a cast. She was so excited going through everything.

Checking out Baby Carter.

Watching Monsters, Inc. in her monster pajamas on a rainy Saturday afternoon.


Wide awake while Josh and I were at church.

I can't wait to see how these two get along/interact in the months/years to come.

McKinley and Carter snuggled up.

Early morning mug shot.

This is how we eat dinner when Daddy is gone to play softball.

Finally hung her vinyl decals.

Look at that perfectly round head.

Sorry they're late! We're already snapping away more pictures for week 4. Until then...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

The title of this post seems to be our lives somewhat lately. We've had a lot of kinks and unexpected "problems" to solve (problems said loosely) since bringing home our newest addition. Between the epidural blood patch, overactive letdown, 6 fever blisters, irregular 2 hour crying sessions, toddler with a cold/sinus gunk, bleeding issues, a sty on my eye, me being an emotional roller coaster when Mom left, etc. (I'm just complaining & whining now) we've had to remind ourselves to stay positive, stay focused on what's important, and remember that this, too, shall pass.

I can honestly say Josh and I were not cut out for newbornhood. Don't get me wrong, we love our children unconditionally, but neither one of us is really gushy over life with a newborn. Josh likes to romp and wrestle (That's where Tillman comes in) and my personality flaws don't allow me to always stop and enjoy this time/age because I feel like every issue/concern should have a textbook answer and should be a quick fix that allows me to stay in control. I'm not good at being patient to work to figure out the best answer. I just want it right here and now so I can happily move on.

All in all things really are starting to come together for all 4 of us. We're still working to figure it all out and figure out Carter's personality along the way. Many people comment that she looks more like me than she does Josh, (Gasp!) but we'll see as she grows and changes along the way.

Here are some pictures from the past week. Some are when Mom was still here and some are since she has gone back home to Summerville. Dad came this past weekend and took her home with him Sunday afternoon. Sad day. We are forever grateful for everything she did while here! I jokingly say (but truly mean it) that the biggest thing she did for me while she was here was to keep me from getting postpartum depression.

Ok, no pictures today, folks. I've tried about 10 times to get them to upload with no success. I will keep trying, but for now, it's just words.