Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Josh, 1981 - Tillman, 2012

A 31-year-old Costume (Happy Halloween!)

I hope everyone had a safe and happy time celebrating Halloween tonight! Halloween is not, and has never really been, a favorite holiday of mine. I always felt awkward walking up to somebody's house, asking for candy, and standing there waiting for them to fill my bucket. Walking up and down each driveway was like a walk-of-shame. I guess that means I can enjoy it a little more now that the pressure is off me and now on Tillman.

Well, trying to be cost savy and well-prepared, I bought/got together a Halloween costume for Tillman months in advance. In late July Tillman had an outfit picked out and purchased. However, that is not the outfit she ended up wearing this Halloween. (Luckily for me, it should still fit her next year...check that one off the list??) The original plan was for Tillman to be a construction worker with a hot pink hard hat. Yeh, she had no say in her costume choice.

Well, about two months ago we ended up getting our hands on one of Josh's old Halloween costumes. It was actually the one he wore as a child when he was 2 years old. And to make the story even sweeter, his mom made it from scratch! Well, there was no way we could pass up the opportunity to use this costume. So, instead of a construction worker, Tillman celebrated this Halloween as a leopard/cheetah. (Tillman referred to it as a tiger, so I will name it a tiger for the rest of the post...) She was pretty in to sporting the costume around and she wore it the entire night without complaining.

To start off our evening, we went to dinner with some friends. Then we caravanned (?) over to church to trunk-or-treat. This was our first trunk-or-treat ever, and I must say I liked it, minus the wind. Tillman had been practicing saying, "Trick-or-treat" and "Happy Halloween" the past two or three days, but tonight she was speechless. I think she was a bit overwhelmed. Oh, and I got so excited for her when we came across a Dora-themed trunk. It was sooo cute!

And, here is our 31-year-old Halloween Costume. Do you think Baby #2 will be able to wear it in a few years to keep the tradition going? Oh, and to claim something from my childhood...the jack-o-lantern bucket Tillman is carrying to fill with candy is mine from when I was a wee babe. What a sentimental Halloween now that I think about it.  :)
Happy Halloween! :)

Trying on her rings, all 3 at one time.
Her shirt glows in the dark.

The infamous tiger costume

Back view

Yes, this is bribery for years to come.

Daddy explaining Trunk-or-Treat.

His costume, my bucket.
Minnie Mouse (Hadley) & Tiger (Tillman)
Waiting patiently in line.

With our pumpkin

Getting ready to go through all the loot.

All she wanted was the suckers...the things we least want her to have. She had to settle for one Twizzler for the night.

 I promise she does have some of my genes in her too, but gosh, she is her Daddy's child!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Monster Pumpkin Named Pirate

We ended up carving our pumpkin today, as planned. It went really well and I'm very impressed with Josh's handiwork. We ate dinner in the (mostly) dark just so we could admire the once pumpkin, now jack-o-lantern. We also gave Tillman an opportunity to name the pumpkin. When we first started throwing out ideas of what to carve, she wanted a pirate. Well, Josh looked in to getting a pirate template, but they were either too detailed or cost $. So, we ended up going with a really cute monster instead. (Tillman's birthday party theme is monsters, for those who don't know...) Anyways, when given the chance to name the pumpkin, she came up with, "Monster Pirate". I guess she really did want a pirate pumpkin. So, without further ado...
While Josh was carving the pumpkin, Tillman took one of the excess pieces, put a toothpick in it, and said, "Look, Daddy, birthday cake." Then she proceeded to "blow out the candle." A very proud Daddy moment. - creativity

We are so proud of her and are completely bias in all that she does!

Josh at work.

"Monster Pirate" in the light

"Monster Pirate" in the dark

A close-up ... I love it!

T running around crazy before bed. She was in the basket before I took the picture.

I think it's fair to say she had a very good day today. She was in such a good mood!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sandbox, Denver Downs, & a Pumpkin

Here's a long post of pictures for you to recap what we've been up to lately...

Yesterday Josh worked the concession stand at Liberty's last home game of the season. This was also his last official responsibility to the 2012 football season except for the banquet. So Tillman and I had a fun girls night together. We made dinner and then went to Lowe's to buy a lot of sand for Tillman's new sandbox (an early birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa).

Today we went back to Denver Downs with some of our Sunday School class. It was a great day to go and we all had a good time hanging out together.
After Tillman's nap we put her in the sandbox for the first time. Then we worked on scraping out the pumpkin guts from the pumpkin we got at Denver Downs today. We will carve it tomorrow, but wanted to go ahead and prep it tonight. Tillman was not too fond of the pumpkin guts.

What Tillman does while I cook dinner... paper muffin cups

Getting excited about all the sand!

Back at Denver Downs...Yay!

They had a pony this time. The girls loved it.

Jumping with Leah and Will

My cutie

Back to the swing

A corn-filled sandbox

They were throwing/dropping corn on each other.

One of her favorite things. Look at that face.

Waving at the big, fat pig.


Part of our class - We had about 18 or so people with us, including kids.

Loving on her.
Picking out our pumpkin. It was "too heavy".

Daddy helping T pick up our pumpkin. I love this picture.

Introduction to the sandbox. She's used to playing in straight dirt...complete with acorns, leaves, bugs, etc. She was a little thrown off by the clean, pretty sand.

Getting her feet in it.
...and....we're good.

Playing with all of her toys from the beach this summer.

Perfectly content.

Getting started with the pumpkin.
Showing T some pumpkin guts.

T putting the "pumpkin piece" back on top.
Our goal is to actually carve it tomorrow. Check back in for some updated pictures.