Monday, February 21, 2011

our little love!

Here are some recent videos of our sweet baby Tillman. The first one is of her at our picnic on Bowman field Saturday.  The second one is of her holding and shaking a piggy rattle while hitting herself.  The third video is of Josh winding Tillman's legs getting faster and faster, which she seems to thoroughly enjoy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We took Tillman on her first picnic today since the weather is so nice! We packed a lunch and some toys and headed out for a picnic on Bowman field, next to Tillman Hall on Clemson's campus. This is the building Tillman is named after. We had a great time, the weather was beautiful, and we can't wait to do it again in the near future. After eating lunch we lounged around on the blanket and field for awhile. We did a lot of people watching; there were a lot of college kids playing frisbee and throwing the football. Next, we strolled around campus and took a walk down memory lane. It was such a nice day!! Here are a few pictures to capture the day.

Friday, February 18, 2011

stroller ride

We took Tillman on her first walk in her big girl stroller. I think she is still a little bit too young to be in it for long periods of time, but we just went on a few laps around the neighborhood with her today. It was so nice outside; we wanted to enjoy the weather and give Tillman a new perspective on what the world looks like. She did very well and it was fun to watch her find and track things (trees, etc.) as we walked. There are also two short videos, one of her kicking on the couch and one of her holding the pacy in her mouth on her own. Hope you enjoy!


Daddy dressed me of course!

1st big girl stroller ride

such a happy baby!

kicking on the couch:

holding the pacy:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Tillman celebrated her first Valentine's Day with us yesterday. I must admit that I was pretty jealous of Josh being able to stay home with her all day. She was in such a good mood in the morning. It makes it much harder to leave when Tillman is smiling, kicking, and playing as I'm walking out the door. I woke up to a wonderful card from Josh, which is our usual celebratory routine. It was titled "wifey." However, this card was extra special. Then, after packing my bags and getting ready to head out the door, I went to get the keys out of my purse and found a card titled "Mom." Well I knew I was going to get emotional very quickly. When I read the card and saw how it was signed, I started, I started bawling. Josh had used his right hand (we are both lefties) to sign the card in Tillman's name. Then he used an ink pad and made a hand print of her hand right next to it as her way of signing the card! It was absolutely precious!! I took a few minutes to feel sorry for myself because I didn't want to leave the two loves of my life and I just cried in Josh's lap for a few minutes. Then, I had to suck it up and put on my big girl panties and head to work. All day all I could think about was being at home with Josh and Tillman. Needless to say, I left as soon as I could and headed home so we could spend the rest of the day/night together. Kudos, Josh! A job well done! :)

Happy Valentine's Day!! XOXO

Friday, February 11, 2011

3 months old

Today is Tillman's 3 month old birthday. :) We will be celebrating a lot of "firsts" and "birthdays" throughout this first year of her life. Some of Tillman's accomplishments and favortie things to do now are smile at Mommy and Daddy, kick her legs, hold and grasp toys, watch our lips when we talk to her, and watch bright lights and colors. Tillman has made great improvements with her head/neck control and is getting good at sitting in her bumbo. She is so much fun to play with and she's very good at entertaining us. Here are just a few quick pictures to share from today.  I was having a hard time getting her to smile and get happy, so we called on Daddy, and of course the smiles came out! :)
She looks deep in thought

grasping rings!

more rings (We love this play gym!)

Josh enjoying his time home with his baby girl

Smiling at Daddy, of course

 3 months old

wipes case, burp cloth, and bib from Aunt Leigh-Anne (LOVE the pattern & colors!!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Video Update

Here are some videos we have taken of our sweet baby girl.  Some are older and some are from this week.  We can't keep up with how fast she is growing!!

This video has some pretty bad camera work and is about 2 weeks old, but Tillman is kicking like crazy. She looks like she is ready to start walking!  :)

This is an older video of Tillman working on her head/neck control.  She is making great progress and doesn't hate it quite as much now.

This is Tillman's first time holding/grasping a toy...taken by Josh

We have more, but it's way passed my bedtime. I hope to update again soon. Goodnight!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Go Packers!

   Well Josh is VERY happy that the Packers won the Superbowl!! It was quite a game. He got a little tense and I think I had to remind him that his daughter was asleep upstairs. I'm glad they won so I could enjoy the evening last night.
   Josh is in week 3 of Mr. Mom. He is still holding strong and doing a wonderful job!! He is adjusting SO much better than I ever gave him credit for. I think he is even adjusting a little too well because I came home to two homemade loaves of banana nut bread and a clean house today. It was wonderful! His banana nut bread gave mine a run for its money. Kudos, Josh!
   Here are a few pictures of our little chunk of love. She will be 3 months old this Friday! We are having so much fun playing and talking with Tillman. She is so entertaining. (and beautiful!)

She is SO beautiful!!

All smiles

Playing at the Costner's

Tillman with Pop, an adoptive great-grandpa (91 yrs.old)

Go Packers!

Cheering on the Packers

Josh's homemade banana nut bread

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mr. Mom - week 2

This is Josh's 2nd week staying home with Tillman while I am back at work. He is honestly doing a wonderful job as Mr. Mom! I come home and my baby is bathed, clothed, fed, and they are always playing something new or somewhere new. I love knowing that he is taking such great care of Tillman while I'm gone! I'm even getting a little bit jealous of their fondness for each other. We went on a walk tonight and Tillman literally didn't take her eyes off Josh. I even took over the stroller and she still found him! It's cute, but I wish I was the one she was so in awe of. A friend did remind me that she is also a daddy's girl, but her mom is her best friend. So true! Here are a few pictures we (mostly Josh) have taken over the past week and a half. Baby girl will be 3 months next week!!

1st freckle

making progress on head/neck control!

girl loves a bath!

how sweet :)