Tillman went to the doctor yesterday for her two week check-up, even though she was technically two weeks old on Thanksgiving. The visit went well and she got a good report. Tillman now weighs 9lbs 7 oz (78%) - She is 22 inches long (93%) - Her head measured 14 1/2 inches (63%). She is still sleeping a lot, but when she is awake we interact with her as much as we can. We put her on her play mat and have tummy time, which she is not a huge fan of. I gave Tillman her first bath today without anyone here to help (Mom and Josh have helped in the past) and of course Little Miss Priss decided to pee and poop during the bath! I took a deep breath, laughed, and think I handled the whole thing pretty well. I'm sure that's not the last time that will happen.
Uncle Tiger & Danica came for a visit
Bundled and ready to go out
Play mat time
Thank you, Nolan for my Thanksgiving outfit!
This was just too cute not to share
Our first Thanksgiving together with Tillman
My parents
Josh's parents
More play time