Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Two weeks & Thanksgiving

Tillman went to the doctor yesterday for her two week check-up, even though she was technically two weeks old on Thanksgiving. The visit went well and she got a good report. Tillman now weighs 9lbs 7 oz (78%) - She is 22 inches long (93%) - Her head measured 14 1/2 inches (63%). She is still sleeping a lot, but when she is awake we interact with her as much as we can. We put her on her play mat and have tummy time, which she is not a huge fan of. I gave Tillman her first bath today without anyone here to help (Mom and Josh have helped in the past) and of course Little Miss Priss decided to pee and poop during the bath! I took a deep breath, laughed, and think I handled the whole thing pretty well. I'm sure that's not the last time that will happen.
Uncle Tiger & Danica came for a visit

Bundled and ready to go out

Play mat time

Thank you, Nolan for my Thanksgiving outfit!

This was just too cute not to share

Our first Thanksgiving together with Tillman

My parents

Josh's parents

More play time

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hospital Pictures

Here are some of the pictures that a professional photographer took of Tillman when she was 3 days old in the hospital. The photographer kept going on and on about how well Tillman was doing and giving such great facial expressions. Of course, we are biased and think the pictures are great and our baby is beautiful! :)  Other big news for the day... Tillman's umbilical cord fell off today! Yay! I'm wondering if it would be weird if I kept the cord for a keepsake??

Friday, November 19, 2010

1st doctor's visit

Today Tillman went to the doctor for her one week check-up. She is doing great and everything went well! Heart, lungs, etc. all look good which is such a relief for Mommy. We go back in a little over a week for the next check-up. Let's hope things continue to go well for our Little Bit. We got a picture of her waiting patiently in the "well" waiting room and one with a very scared Mommy in the room once we got called back.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

1 week old!

Today Little Miss Tillman turns one week old! We are so thrilled and blessed to have her in our lives. It has been the best week ever. All I want to do is stare at her, hug her, kiss her, hold her, take her picture, etc. I can't get enough! Tillman is growing and changing already too. She has been having "tummy time" lately, and yesterday she turned her head from one side to the other twice on her own. Today, she was full and had the hiccups, so during tummy time she spit up on the mat. We have so much to learn as parents! She is also getting into a routine/schedule as far as eating/sleeping goes. It's a pretty tentative schedule, but nice to have. She has also gotten to where she likes to have what we call "alert time" every 12 hours. After feeding, she stays bright-eyed and bushy-haired :) for about an hour. Anyways, here are a few of our favorite pictures we have taken over the past week. Enjoy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Girl!

Miss Tillman arrived yesterday morning 11/11 @ 8:59 her stats are as follows: 8lbs 15oz and 21 inches. And yes she does have a full head of dark hair!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!!

We had a doctor's appointment this afternoon and it was decided to schedule a c-section for Tillman's arrival. The doctor didn't tell us at our last appointment, but when Tillman was estimated at 8lbs 11oz at 37 and 1/2 weeks, that put her in the 96th percentile for her weight! CHUNKY!! So, we are scheduled for the procedure at 9:00 tomorrow morning.  We have to be at the hospital at 7:00 for check-in and whatnot, so needless to say, it will be a restless night! Although...the doctor did prescribe me with an ambien, which I've never taken before, but have heard that it will knock me out solid. Let's hope so! The next time we post, there will be pictures of our little one to share! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We went for an ultrasound today and Tillman measured at an estimated 8lbs 11oz!! She's not technically due for another 2 weeks, so we have a chunky monkey on the way! :) After talking with the doctor and asking several questions, we have a plan in place for Tillman's arrival. If she has not come on her own by next Wednesday, November 10th, then we will go ahead and schedule a c-section for Thursday, the 11th due to her size.  Of course, we will keep you posted if something changes, but until next Wednesday, that's all we know.

Monday, November 1, 2010



Since I am measuring 3 weeks ahead and Tillman is getting pretty big, we go to the doctor tomorrow to have an ultrasound.  After the ultrasound we will discuss options as to what to do next while awaiting her arrival.  We are very anxious to see her on the screen and see who she looks like!  We are also anxious to hear what the doctor will say about her arrival.  We are hoping sooner than later.  We'll let you know tomorrow!